Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Next New Thing

In my opinion, what I hope is the next new thing in new media is that law enforcement will be able to track down criminals using social media. Whenever someone who is warranted for arrest does anything on the internet, law enforcement will know about it, it will assist them being trackd down and arrested.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wiki so Far

I have contributed to the class wiki by adding three paragraphs on the uses of blogs in mass media.  The research for my wiki contribution came from when I completed my term paper.  My contribution is titled "The Uses of Blogs in Mass Media". It shows how presidential elections, journalism, political propaganda, customer feedback and advertising for a product can all come from blogs. In addition to this contribution, I also intend on researching a completely new topic, then posting it on the class wiki.


File sharing is public or private sharing of data on a network. P2P file sharing is similar, but you can also share music, movies, books etc.  P2P means peer to peer. However, the downside of P2P sharing is that people share unauthorized materials which is also call pirating.  For example, in the article, "Digital Pirates Winning Battle with Studios", discusses how movies and shows being made available to the public via the internet actually represents a loss to the studio who makes the movie or show.  Instead of watching the movie in the theaters or on television, people will watch it on the internet instead.  This causes the studios to lose money.  "Media companies say that piracy — some prefer to call it “digital theft” to emphasize the criminal nature of the act — is an increasingly mainstream pursuit. At the same time, DVD sales, a huge source of revenue for film studios, are sagging. In 2008, DVD shipments dropped to their lowest levels in five years. Executives worry that the economic downturn will persuade more users to watch stolen shows and movies" (Shelter and Stone).

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy and Confidentiality are both issues when dealing with new media.  Websites such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr allow people to share photos and videos instantly.  What some people do not realize is that posting certain pictures of themselves can hinder their acceptance into certain schools or from getting certain jobs.  That picture you took of yourself drinking and partying just stopped you from getting your dream job.  Some people do not understand that nothing you post on the internet is private or confidential.  Pictures and videos posted by you or with you tagged in it remains on the internet forever.

Advice to Baruch

My advice to Baruch on using new media to improve the college includes using various forms of social media to communicate more efficiently with students.  As a Baruch student, I see that some students are not very   responsible when it comes to checking their emails or blackboard. However, if Baruch used social media as a platform for events and reminders for the college, more students will probably participate in more events at the school or maybe even be interested in joining a club or something because what they saw on Facebook or twitter peaked his or her interest.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


New media fosters creativity by allowing individuals to express themselves without face to face judgement. In the article, "New Media: Stimulating Creativity or Just Repackaging the Old?", the author states new media allows "greater creative expression among individuals, industries and sectors that were ahead of the curve in adopting new media technologies". In addition, being able to share the creativity instantly also helps.

Creativity and New Media

The definition of creativity in new media is that the new media stimulates creativity It does this by allowing the person to be able to adapt an online persona who can be whatever they want it to be. In the virtual world, Second Life, my avatar looks sort of like me, but its what i want to look like. This enables creativity in new media.